
Intel Option Trade

Intel Corporation (INTC, quote) has been in downward spiral for the past 6 months as traders leave the chip maker on concerns of a landscape shift away from the desktop to tablets and other mobile devices. To see just how of impact the mobile landscape is look no further than the giant stodgy software maker Microsoft (MSFT, quote) as they ready their release of Windows 8 which attempts to branch Morning Coffee Break

Welcome to Monday’s Morning Coffee Break – U.S. markets this week start off behind the eight ball as markets come off their largest weekly losses in 4 months.  Market participants find themselves about to embark into the fast lane of earnings season with the S&P 500 at a low point not seen since last month on the September 4. The tech heavy NASDAQ is worse off sitting on a low

Currency Carry Trade

We had a subscriber ask about any suggestions where to look for possible currency ETFs action. Interest rates at record rates not only in the U.S. but globally as well.  Add into the mix huge amount of monetary easing  like QE3 from U.S. Federal Reserve and central banks around the globe like Japan, Australia and England just to mention a few has seem  have broken the system. Morning Coffee Break

Welcome to Friday’s Morning Coffee Break – As we begin the final trading session in the week and finish off the first two full weeks of October U.S. stock indexes are on pace for the largest weekly drop in four months.  October historically is a down month as markets prepare for the final two months of the year and it appears Mr. Market wants to stay with tradition as the Morning Coffee Break

Welcome to Thursday’s Morning Coffee Break – As we count down the final two sessions of the week U.S. indexes are on pace for the largest weekly drop since week ending on June 1st.  Will bulls be able to muster the first daily gain this week for S&P 500 and NASDAQ?

Energy Report

Daily Grains Commentary -The overnight markets remain subdued as it’s now just a waiting game for another USDA report. The beans are trading with minor losses so far in the early AM hours, meal has lost a few $’s while oil has gained a small amount. The wheat is trading slightly higher as weather fears in Australia are catching more attention and corn is down a few cents as further long liquidation is taking place. Morning Coffee Break

Welcome to Wednesday’s Morning Coffee Break – U.S. market participants sold Tuesday’s session making it the largest one day drop since August 23 it’s also the last time the Dow Jones index has seen a 1% drop in 6 years. The NASDAQ has not seen this large of loss since June 25.

Energy Report

The overnight market seems to continue to digest the ideas that the yields are still coming in above expectations and that the USDA figures will show significant increases. The beans have eased back by 10-13 cents most of the evening session, meal has lost $4, oil is down 25-30 points, and corn fell by another 5-7 while wheat is standing alone trading on the positive side gaining 2-4 cents.

Energy Report

The music seems as if it is starting to play again as once again the export sales remind us that the world is running out of beans. The beans now have erased all the losses of earlier in the week trading +30, meal has gained $7, oil increased by
30 points, corn increased by 6-8 and wheat has posted gains of 4-5 cents

Best Buy Options Price In New LBO Level

Today we are looking at taking advantage of Mr. Schultz’s leverage buy out (LBO) of Best Buy (BBY, quote) and as the current Best Buy board drag their feet as if they are not sure what to do with the company it gets worse for Best Buy and better for Mr. Schultz.