EURUSD Forecast May 2, 2016, Technical Analysis

The EURUSD pair broke higher during the course of the session on Friday, as it looks like we are getting ready to break towards the 1.15 handle.

EuroDollarsPullbacks at this point in time will be buying opportunities on signs of support and as a result we are “buy only” when it comes to the Euro.

There is a lot of support below, and with that we think it will eventually be a market to break above resistance and continue to go much higher over the longer term.

Selling at this point in time doesn’t seem to be much of an option.


Editor’s Note: Equity investors/traders can use the Currency Shares Euro Trust (FXE, quote) ETF to take positions in the euro without a FOREX account.  The ETF looks to track the price of the euro (EURUSD), minus ETF fee. The fund seeks to reflect the price of the euro with the shares representing a cost-effective investment relative to investing in the FOREX market.

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